Inserting an existing SQL statement in Excel

Inserting an existing SQL statement in Excel

  1. Open the remote desktop of Synergetic. Open the Synergetic Application in the background.

2. Open Excel and create a new file.

3. In Excel, select: Data>Get Data > From Other Sources > From Microsoft Query.

4. Select Database > Synergetic*, and click OK.

5. Log in by using the username and password if required.

6. Add table and columns as required, and click Next.

Make sure Views is ticked in Options.

7. (Optional) Add filters as needed. Or skip this step and click Next directly to show all data.

8. (Optional) Add the sort order if needed. Or skip this step and click Next directly to show all data by default order.

9. Select Return Data to Microsoft Excel and click Finish.

10. Click OK and done!


11. (Optional) Refresh data if needed.



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