How to turn articles into PDF's

How to turn articles into PDF's

This document will show how we can turn articles found online into pdfs to share anywhere.

Using Ipad reader


  1. Using Safari find an article you want to turn into a pdf. (You will only be able to do this method on safari)

  2. Click AA on the search bar at the top


  3. Next click show reader from the pop up options. (Not all articles will be able to be turned into pdf’s this way so you will have to follow the second method if Show reader is greyed out.)


  4. Click on the Share button to bring up the share menu


  5. Click on options underneath the picture at the top


  6. Select reader PDF and from there you will be able to share this article as a pdf where ever you wish.


Using Screenshot

This is the second method of turning an article into a PDF, it involves screenshotting an article and then changing the screenshot to grab the entire page instead of just the area shown.


  1. Find an article you want to turn into a PDF

  2. take a screenshot of the page by pressing the volume and power button at the same time on Ipad pros, or the home button and power button on a normal Ipad.

  3. Once the screenshot has been taken click on the screenshot pop up. On this page you will see screen and full page as options on the top. Press full page.


  4. This will then turn the screenshot into the screenshot of the entire article. You will then be able to share this document using the normal share methods.

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