Importing photos to Oliver

Importing photos to Oliver


Borrower photos can be uploaded individually from within a borrower record. However each year in February, there are new photos for all students; well over a thousand of them. Here's how to bulk upload the photos.

  1. Student images are made available first to the administrator(s) of SEQTA who can provide access to them on the I.T. Team Drive or share access to them on another shared drive. It's necessary to download the images from there as they will all need to be changed to make their file-size individually under 100kb.

  2. Once the images are downloaded they can be re-sized in bulk using the Mac OS application, PREVIEW thus:
    a. Select all images and open in Preview.
    b. Highlight one of the images in the left hand column and use COMMAND + A to select all.

c. Choose ADJUST SIZE from the TOOLS menu.

d. Adjust the image size.

N.B. Generally I have found that selecting an image width of 3cm will accomplish the necessary filesize reduction. Note that when either the width or height is changed, the aspect ratio will be preserved, so there is no need to change both. When changing files in February, it is best to limit the number done at once to perhaps one or two hundred at a time. i.e. open a batch, change them all, then open the next batch.

  1. Once all the images have been re-sized, a .zip file must be created in order to import them. Working from Mac OS, the .zip file must be created with the files only, NOT from a folder containing the files.
    In FINDER, select all the image files, then choose COMPRESS from the FILE menu.

There will now be a file called Archive.zip at the same directory level as the image files.


  1. Access OLIVER at https://friends.softlinkhosting.com.au. and login using the OLIVER admin details in 1P.

    In the MANAGEMENT menu in OLIVER, Choose IMPORT.


  2. Choose Borrower Images from the Import Menu.


  3. Click on "Choose file" and select the Archive.zip file that you have created, and click the import button (top left).


  4. Once the import is complete, you will notice that there will be a number of errors. It is possible that some of the images may not have had a corresponding record to attach to and di not import; however there will certainly be as many errors as there are completed uploads. This is because of Mac OS's differing file system. The .zip file not only contains each image file, but also a sort of "directory info" file of the same name but with a "._" before it. These files create the errors as seen below. Evidence of this can be seen by clicking on the number of the import job (on the left under “NO.”) which will display a log of files imported for that job.


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