Digital Signage - Google Slides and Vivi
Digital signage runs on scheduled on the Vivi boxes, that point to the Google Slides below. The slides are maintained by the 3 school offices.
Primary School Digital Signage Template
Middle School Digital Signage Template
Senior School Digital Signage Template
Main Reception TV:
Obsolete templates:
TFS School Shop Digital Signage Template (obsolete from 2023)
High School Photos Template (obsolete for 2024)
How do I remove multiple slides?
Click on the first slide you want remove in the panel on the LHS. Hold down shift and click on the last slide you wish to remove on the LHS. This will select all of the slides between. Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the remaining slides.
Morris Digital Signage - How do I convert a Powerpoint to Google Slides?
Powerpoint presentation - File - compress pictures -220 - Save as ...
Google Drive - search for powerpoint by name and open with Google slides - OR drag and drop from Finder
Digital Signage Template - File - Import Slides - Select slideshow - Select All - Import
May need to save the power point as Google Slides before importing slides
How to set Google Slides as Signage?
Google Slides should be published to the web and use the new URL in Vivi for media import.