Unable to Send Emails within SEQTA

Unable to Send Emails within SEQTA

Teaching staff use SEQTA Teach - https://teach.friends.tas.edu.au/

If a staff member reports that they are unable to send an email within SEQTA:

In SEQTA, select the student info page, and click on the email, if this fails to launch Gmail, it is trying to open from the bottom of the SEQTA screen, but nothing.

Follow these steps to fix this issue:

In Google Chrome, select the three dots

then select settings → Privacy and security → Site settings → Additional permissions → Protocol Handlers → tick ‘Sites can ask to handle protocols’ and make sure in the email field, Gmail is the default


Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3.40.30 pm.png
  • Quit and restart the Chrome

  • This should now resolve this issue.


NOTE: You may also need to make sure Google Chrome is the default in the Apple Mail app as illustrated below:

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