Operoo - Staff Guide
Create account
If this is not created from the notification email, staff need to go to https://groups.operoo.com/users/sign_up to create their account
Go to groups.operoo.com website on a laptop or any device with an internet connection
Use the Operoo App for offline access (after downloading profiles) on iOS or Android devices.
The username for Operoo is your school email address. The password is managed separately from the school. Use the “Forgot Password” link to reset.
Groups and Forms
Operoo allows staff to be allocated to groups and specific permission requests. The creation of groups and sending eForms will be undertaken by the 3 school offices.
Please send the details of your requirements for forms to the offices to enable them to create and distribute to parents. Alternatively, use the “My eForms” link to create a form and then ask one of the school offices to add students and distribute the form.
An eForm should be used when collecting permission or other information from parents regarding their child. Other communication to parents and any communication to students should continue to happen through the usual channels (What’s On, or direct emails using SEQTA for groups and MailChimp for all parents).
When a staff member logs in to Operoo they will see the groups and forms they are allocated to (in the example below the one on the right is the form - not the summary of responses:
Clicking on the group or form will enable a staff member to view, download and print form responses and medical profiles.
You can then select which details you need in the report, to print to pdf or paper:
Clicking on a form will also allow you to export the responses to the form as a spreadsheet:
Any students displayed in pink either have not completed a profile (pink) or are managed locally (yellow) will need to have their medical profile printed from Synergetic. Any forms to be sent to these students will need to be printed as a pdf and emailed by the office.
Operoo - Access from SEQTA
You can access a student’s Operoo Profile from SEQTA.
Go to SEQTA Teach, and open the Student Information Panel
Select the student, and then select the medical information tab on the right.
Operoo - Access from Synergetic
You can access a student’s Operoo Summary from Synergetic in the Medical tab.
Operoo - an overview for staff:
Operoo is parent controlled electronic medical form for schools, clubs and other groups with a duty of care. It’s an electronic version of the paper-based forms we send out and ask parents to fill in for medical information, camps and excursions.
It provides parents with the opportunity to update medical information promptly and accurately while providing you and the school with instant access to the emergency information for children you’re responsible for. We will be using the Operoo app to reduce the burden on parents to fill out the same information on multiple forms throughout the year.
Parents can use a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone to enter the details including:
emergency contacts
medical contacts
a medical checklist including asthma, allergies, seizures, diabetes
health and ambulance insurance details
notes and other care instructions from parents
The 3 school offices will be able to send permission forms for camps and excursions to parents electronically and you’ll be able to see what children are attending as well as their emergency information on your mobile device, via a secure website or exported/printed from the website.
New staff members will receive an email soon after starting employment requesting that they create a Operoo account. At that time, the staff member should click the link in the email to create their account. Then they will be able to use the Operoo website on their laptop or download the free Operoo app for their iOS or Android device.
Emails to parents requesting the data for their children will be sent at the start of each calendar year.
Members of the Learning Technologies Team and staff in the 3 School Offices will be able to assist staff when they need to use the Operoo system.