Clipboard and Operoo for Co-curricular Coordinators

Clipboard and Operoo for Co-curricular Coordinators

Premise of Rationale

For co-curricular activities we have team / groups in Clipboard to allow for contact details, emailing information to students and parents and access to student medical details synced from Operoo.

We use Operoo to collect permission from parents and for co-ordinators as well as collecting student medical details.


Co-curricular coordinators of The Friends' School.

Operoo Staff Carer’s guide

A guide to using Operoo for staff

Process for the beginning of a co-curricular activity

Instruction for using Clipboard to create team lists.

  1. Coordinators allocate students to teams / groups in Clipboard.

  2. Coordinators notify the school office of their Co-curricular Head that the team / group is ready and provide the permission letter and form questions, either as a Word document or by creating the form in Operoo.

  3. The school office prepares the form and adds the appropriate students and staff to the form and group.

  4. Once approved by the Head of School the permission forms are distributed using Operoo.

  5. Any changes to the group (additions or withdrawals) will require coordinators to update their list in Clipboard and notify the school office the changes so Operoo can also be amended.

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