Clipboard Co-curricular Management

Clipboard Co-curricular Management

Clipboard is available for staff at https://go.clipboard.app/

Clipboard is available for students at https://portal.clipboard.app/the-friends-school

This document outlines the process of creating a co-curriculum group in Clipboard, for recording attendance, communicating with groups of students and parents and transferring co-curricular involvement to SEQTA for reports.

Clipboard has an excellent help service with articles and a chat function at the bottom right. Alternatively please email servicedesk@friends.tas.edu.au for assistance.

Clipboard 7 Minute Introduction

The first 4 videos of the Clipboard Academy Staff User Basics videos provide a 7 minute guide to using Clipboard for marking attendance and managing teams.


The Clipboard workflow is:

Student Selections

Clipboard provides an online portal for students to select activities. This should only be used by Heads of Co-curriculum, so please contact the following people:

Enrichment and Extension

Katie Stanley


Paul Kershna / Hilary Morgan

Opportunity Blocks (outside of school hours)

Aaron Davey

Primary School

Fiona Lewis


Karina Churchill


John White

Managing Team / Group Student Lists

Activities and teams / groups need to be created and staff allocated  to the team / group by the Co-curricular Heads (above) or by contacting servicedesk@friends.tas.edu.au

Once the team / group is created, you can manage the student list:

  1. Go Teams, find the team and click on the name of the team

  2. Click on Actions at the top right, then manage students

  3. Search for students, tick those you want to add and click Update Team

Schedule Sessions

Sessions are used to take attendance and inform students of the times for rehearsals / practices / meetings / performances.

Once you have your initial team / group list entered, you can follow the Clipboard guide to schedule sessions. There are also 2 videos of 6 Minutes to explain this process

Remove students from multiple sessions

If you need to remove students from multiple sessions this video explains how.

Schedule Fixtures

Fixtures are for rostered games / event, and can be shared with other schools. You will need to work with your Co-curricular Head above and follow the Clipboard Guide to schedule fixtures.

Taking Attendance for Co-curricular

Attendance should be taken for each session / fixture for a team. If that means adding access for person who is not a staff member, please contact servicedesk@friends.tas.edu.au

You can follow the Clipboard Guide to taking attendance, the outline is:

  1. Go to the Home Page -> Your Schedule Today

  2. Click on the Session or Fixture you want to mark the roll for

  3. A pop-up window of the Session or Fixture will appear. Scroll down to the Attendance section and select Mark Roll.

  4. Mark the Roll. Depending on the roll marking type set for the Activity, either mark those who are absent or those who are present The roll will also show the percentage of students present.

  5. Save

Emailing Parents and Students 

Parents, students and staff can be emailed directly for Clipboard. You can follow the Clipboard guide to emailing teams, the outline is:

  1. Go Teams, find the team and click on the name of the team

  2. Click on Actions at the top right, then Email Students or Email Guardians

Exporting lists (for Operoo, SEQTA etc)

If you need to use a list of students in another system, such as SEQTA, Operoo, Google Workspaces etc, you can export the team list. The “Team Record” export provides student name, ID, email address and teams.


You can follow the Clipboard guide to team exports, the outline is:

  1. Go to Teams

  2. Filter for the activity you wish to export

  3. Click Actions (top right) or More

  4. Select Export to Excel from the dropdown menu

  5. Select the Export format (Team Record) and choose the filters

  6. Click Export

Adding Co-Curricular Participation to Reports in SEQTA

Co-curricular co-ordinators no longer need to add the participation to co-curricular reports. This will be completed centrally, co-ordinated by the Co-curricular Heads with Admin / Service Desk support. Coordinators need to ensure that the team / group list is up to date and will be sent a reminder to do this.



Instructions for those in central roles for adding co-curricular participation to reports

  1. Use the Managing Team / Student Lists instructions to ensure the current team list in Clipboard only contains the students that will qualify for participation in that sport

  2. The Exporting Lists process above to export the lists for student participation and these will be used to create the pastoral notes in SEQTA.

  3. Co-curricular participation is added to a student report using a Pastoral Note, which is found in the right hand side of the page:

  1. In the Student Information Panel, on the right hand side of SEQTA, find one student who is in the co-curricular group

  1. Select “Co-curricular for reports” as the category

  2. In the sub-category start typing the name of the activity and click on the correct one in the list.

    The sub-category is what will appear on the report. Please contact reports@friends.tas.edu.au if the name needs changing or the activity is not available in the list.

  3. To add the activity to multiple students select “Save many..” at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Click on “...” next to “Select student”

  1. Click on the “Code” tab:

  2. Paste in the list of student codes for the activity

  3. You should see the list of students underneath the “Select student” drop down. Click “Save” to add the co-curricular note for each student.

  4. If an error is made in adding a co-curricular note to a student, the note can be deleted using the Pastoral Care Workspace -> In detail tab.

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