Clipboard Student Activity Selections

Clipboard Student Activity Selections

This article runs through how students select co-curricular activities to express their interest in participating.


You need to select activities and the “Checkout”

  1. Login at https://portal.clipboard.app/the-friends-school/activity-selection using your school Google Account.

  2. Go to Activity Selection and click on the activity for further information


  3. Click on + select to select an activity, and enter the options if required:



  4. When you have selected all of your activities “Go to Cart”:


  5. Click on “Checkout now” to confirm your selections

6. You can check the activities you have selected:

7. You can go back to activities and change your response or remove selections


Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu.

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