Adding ePortfolio Links to Primary School Classes

Adding ePortfolio Links to Primary School Classes

  1. Go to the Teaching workspace (blackboard icon) > Timetable > My Classes


  2. Select the teacher of the class you are entering ePortfolio links for

  1. Select the Marks Book (small grid with percentage icon) from the Subject ‘ePortfolio’

  1. This will bring up a list of students in that class and the ePortfolio Link assessment

  2. Click on the icon in the the teal green column for the first student

  1. This will open the ‘Teacher marking and feedback’ section for that student - you can see which student at the top of the page.

  2. Now open iPaste - this will appear as a small clipboard icon in the MenuBar.

  1. Back in SEQTA, in ‘Public Annotation’ paste the standard text regarding the ePortfolio. Previously the text has been as follows:

Your child's ePortfolio is a dynamic document, please take the time to regularly share the ePortfolio with your child and discuss their work and progress. 

For the best viewing experience please view the ePortfolio on a computer. 

Please click the link below to view the ePortfolio (will open in a new window).

Open ePortfolio

The Open ePortfolio link is the link to each child’s individual book so it needs to be changed for each person but it is more efficient, I find, to edit the link rather than create a new link.

So, highlight the Open ePortfolio text, select Insert > Hyperlink

  1. In ‘Web address’ copy and paste the 2025 link for the child listed at the top and in Link text type ‘Open ePortfolio’ then select OK

  2. Then select the complete contents of the Public Annotation box and copy it (command C)

  3. Click on iPaste - you should see the copied text at position 1 - hold down the Option key and select the small drawing pin icon next to that text (I can’t get a screen shot of this while holding the option key)

  4. This will pin this text to a letter - in this example it’s ‘A'

  1. In SEQTA, press Save for that child and use the right facing arrow next to the word Primary School along from the child’s name to move to the next child in the list.

  2. You will then paste into the Public Annotation box for that child using what you pinned in iPaste - press Shift-Command-V and then press ‘A’ - This will paste with the active ‘Open ePortfolio’ link so now instead of inserting a Hyperlink, just press the Open ePortfolio link and ‘Edit’ - you will need to replace the whole Web address with the selected child’s link from your spreadsheet. Press OK and then Save for that child.

  3. I am very nervous about this process and the opportunity for the wrong link being attached to the wrong child causing a data breach so I always click on the Open ePortfolio link and ‘Open Link’ will open that book and check that the names match before moving to the next child. This could be done after they’re all completed before releasing them to families. I feel like there’s lots of room for error with such a manual fiddly process so it is worth a double check - maybe even each teacher could check their own class?

  4. You may recall I ended up with a cropped version of the text accidentally pinned in iPaste and so was pasting half a sentence without realising for loads of them thinking it was the complete standard text You will likely get in a bit of a rhythm/autopilot doing this task but it’s worth just eyeballing properly every 10 students or so to not make the same mistake I did - it’s not a fun job to have to re-do them.

  5. After checking the book name against the child name in SEQTA, arrow to the right for the next student and repeat.

  6. These will not be visible to parents but when you’re confident you’re done with a class etc, then you can make them visible to parents with the toggles on the right - move the toggle to ‘Marks relased’ for all (or you can make this available for specific classes if you don’t need to release them all at once). You can test by impersonating a parent on SEQTA Engage and following the instruction we send to parents.