Professional Learning Application - Staff Guide
Completing a Professional Learning Application Form in ConnX
Access a short, 6-minute video here to see it in action.
Login to ConnX (remember to use button)
Using the menus at the top, go to My Details > The Friends' School Forms > Professional Learning Application:
Note the top right options before continuing:
Make sure your window fills the whole screen, otherwise these options might not be accessible.
You don't have to fill in the whole document in one sitting. Use the Save in Draft button and come back later.
Once you have completed the form (see next step), the Submit button will send this form to the next step for approval.
If you realise that you no longer want to submit a request, Clear Request will clear the form from the system.
Fill in all of the boxes… it should be fairly self-evident but here's a run-down of the bits you need to fill in:
Section | The part of the school you are associated with / predominantly associated with |
Area | Faculty or other area in the school. Note that for some sections of the school (Friends' Health & Fitness, Information Services, Community Engagement), the area is the same as the section. |
Connection to the School or your role | It is likely that you may see a connection to multiple areas - choose the most significant one |
Type of PL | This is very important to categorise correctly. Note that External PL (not required) ref Mandated by the School The School requires the staff member to attend PL. Regulatory PL
Further Study
Internal PL (not mandated) PL offered by a member of the School community that you attend (either at or away from School).
This is only for PL that would not otherwise be mandated by the school, or by regulators, or in relation to IB. External PL (not mandated) PL offered by an external provider that you attend (either at or away from School).
This is only for PL that would not otherwise be mandated by the school, or by regulators, or in relation to IB. IB PL Any PL (internally or externally) attended in relation to the PYP or DP programme.
Start Date | Use the date picker or type the date in |
Finish Date | Use the date picker or type the date in |
Start Time | Use the time picker or type the time in. If multiple days, enter the start time of the first day. |
Finish Time | Use the time picker or type the time in. If multiple days, enter the finish time of the last day. |
Number of PL hours in total | Include all time actually engaged in the PL activity, both in work and your own time. Does not include travel time, overnight time, etc. |
Location | Be as specific as you need to be. We don't need the room number but knowing which city/town, state, country would be useful. |
Name of PL | The title of the conference, workshop etc |
Name of Provider | The company or organisation that is running the PL activity |
Registration Costs | To the nearest dollar |
Accommodation Costs | To the nearest dollar |
Travel Costs | To the nearest dollar - include flights, car hire, taxi fare, etc |
If interstate or overseas, have you completed a request to travel application in Operoo? | Remember that travel outside of Tasmania requires special authorisation. |
Skills, knowledge, competencies to be acquired | A brief list is all that is required |
How will you share your learnings within the School? | For example, it may be through a meeting, through discussion with Supervisor, through changed practice… |
Is cover required? | For general staff, this would generally be negotiated with your Supervisor. For teaching staff, this would include a brief description of lessons, duties and tutor cover that you may require. This is especially important for part-day PL. For full (or multiple) day PL activities, it is sufficient to write "All lessons and duties as per SEQTA timetable" |
Date Effective | The date of application. |
Comments | Any additional comments or statements that you feel may support the application to be approved. |
Attachments | Include fliers, registration details, etc. Press the blue Select file text and/or drag and drop files into this section. |
For an example of a filled in form, please see this document.
Press the Submit button at the top right. Your application will be sent to your supervisor, the relief coordinator and the PL Officer for approval. You will receive email notifications as your application is processed. Remember that you can press Save in Draft if you want to come back to it later to finish off.
How to view past, draft or pending applications:
Login to ConnX (remember to use button)
Using the menus at the top, go to My Details > The Friends' School Forms > Professional Learning Application:
At the top, select Existing Requests:
In the list below, select the application form you want to view/edit:Note the following:
In the Status column, you will see where the application is in the processing chain
If you are retrieving a draft, the document appears underneath the list
If you want to see past applications, tick the box next to Include Processed Requests