Lessons from NAPLAN 2024
Confirm the install version at least 2 weeks prior and follow up anomalies
Volunteer test class for Locked Down Browser - at least 1.5 weeks prior.
Force restart of student devices ~4 days prior (many of the more serious issues on Tuesday were on computers that had likely not been restarted for a long time - their computers more generally were not functioning properly and had been away on the Tuesday) - this may be addressed with a whole school regular restart policy
Attend administrator teacher training sessions - we often get questions about the administration of the test itself but have only seen the resources sent to all teachers - we don't have any experience in the portal and it'd be good to improve on that to be able to support staff
Each Administrator pack to include 1x spare laptop with LDB or each IT support person to carry 2x devices with them - rather than spend the time troubleshooting, we can just login to the spare device and IT can fix the student device during the test so it should work on following days.
Maybe write our mobiles on the front of the folders - some teachers didn't seem aware even though I know it was clear in the emails and in the resources
Monitor my email as well as my phone (I missed an email for support)